Saturday, December 13, 2014

Mr Huntsman

Just to avoid confusion - huntsman is a species of spider that grows relatively large and disgusting but is generally harmless.

I had forgotten to mention that I moved houses just recently. About 2-3 weeks ago. I am pretty much in the same area, just five minutes down the bike path from where I was earlier. The suburb I lived in before is called Naremburn. I have moved five minute walk away and my address is now Willoughby. It's an old house at the bottom of a cul de sac street, pretty much in the bush. I was wary of the fact that there's "too much" green around it and spiders might be an issue but I did not expect one to crawl into my room in less than a week! I should have anticipated it considering I kept my bedroom window open 24/7 - I mean, what was I thinking being so naive? I must have forgotten the country I live in.. The reality struck on a Sunday night around midnight when I saw something moving on the floor. The instant chills that took over me in split seconds. Yuk, a huntsman in my room, the size of my hand and it looked like it was missing one leg. Gross. I felt immediate cold sweat and panic taking over me. I did not know what to do about it. I was on my bed in my underwear and I had no tools to kill it. Mind you, I can't even kill it. I am too scared and too disgusted to go anywhere near that thing.. So, I took a risk and left it in my room in hope that it wouldn't move out of my sight and headed off to the kitchen to find Raid or anything that could kill. Surely, an Aussie house must have some sort of a spray in their household supplies? Of course not. The only thing I could find was a foaming oven cleaner. That wasn't going to do much damage, so I ditched that idea and rushed back into my bedroom. The huntsman was still there. My only weapon was my deodorant which had absolutely zero effect on the spider. It seemed to become more lively when I sprayed it with that pleasant scent. As it started making its way up on the wall I just threw a towel at it and was feeling victorious when it landed on the spider. I was 60% confident I had killed it. SO WRONG! My next thought was what to do with it and how to get rid of it without going anywhere near that thing. So, I headed back to the kitchen and got a broom and started smashing the towel with the broom. No luck still. I ended up "brushing" the towel all the way to the kitchen and attempted to kill the spider again from a very far distance. Not sure if it died in the end but as it curled up I brushed it on a dust pan and threw outside. I did not find a dead body in the morning. I hope the snakes ate it... I cannot describe what a shocker it was to actually find a spider that size in my bedroom. I had thought these things do not happen to me. As a result, my window is only open during the day and under my close supervision. Plus I always inspect my room before I enter or when I wake up in the morning not to have some nasty surprises looking at me. Not quite sure how I would react if there was another one...

Not much time left

Went for a big 90k Sydney to Gong ride this morning with a pommie bloke Ben from work and just as I hit 60km mark and got off the freeway and the scenery was about to turn very picturesque and hilly, I managed to get a staple in my tyre. What are the chances of getting a flat tyre from a freakin staple?!! That was so unlucky and very disappointing. I suppose the upside of it was that I was right in front of the train station and could get a train back into the city. Otherwise, I would have been walking for maybe 20-50kms or hitch-hiking! Lucky from that perspective... I will give it another go next weekend and hopefully will conquer the hills to Wollongong once again. I do aim to finish that 90km ride. It is pretty spectacular.. and I am confident I have picked up the one and only staple from the 90km radius, so I should be alright next weekend ha.
I have around 8 weeks left until I have to leave Australia and head back to Ireland. Considering how time flies, I am starting to get a bit nervous and panicky of what's going to happen and how I am going to set my life up again. In a way it is exciting - I love the feeling of not knowing what future might hold for me. I am sure it will all work out for the better in the end.
I suppose there might be an opportunity for sponsorship at work if I really wanted it but the question is do I really want to stay here long term? It could be a nice idea, however, not sure if I want to do the job they could possibly offer to me. It is not the kind of job I had in mind. It is the second best option but would it all be worth it long term? Looking at the pros and cons of Australia vs Ireland. Yes - I agree the weather is much better over here and there are tonnes of beaches to choose from but would that determine my whole life? Ultimately, it may not be the decider.. I find other things more important like people I have and have had in my life. Staying here would mean that I have to start all over again. Build new relationships, friendships etc. How about friend and family that have stayed behind? Surely, that is worth more than golden sandy beaches and 35C heat and of course amazing cycling!
There is plenty to think about and as I said to my Irish friends a few days ago when we met in a fancy cocktail bar in Shangri-La (overlooking Sydney Harbour): "Home is where your heart is" and I think I could call Ireland my home, even though I actually don't own a home there!
So the next eight weeks I will try to enjoy myself as much as I can and make the last few months the ones to remember in the years to come!