Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Grand Prix

Finally the GP is over and four days of challenging cigarette butt cleaning finished!
First day when I arrived at the GP I was wearing black runners and black leggings. I thought this would be enough for a cleaner? Apparently I was not good looking enough to allow me to work in the pits, so I had to ditch that opportunity for the day and was sent to the corporate area to hoover the floor. I think it was the longest hoovering I have ever done - three hours in a row. Not too bad since I could see some demonstrations on the track. The supervisor was ok too. Told me to look busy and not to work too fast. There were about 5 Asian looking girls hoovering the same area and the supervisor asked me to redo everything since they were not able to to their jobs properly. Don't know what they were doing there. Anyway, first day was not too busy. There were not a lot of people and I got off the hook at 6pm already. The next day I turned up in fancy black office pants and flat shoes. I was allowed to go and brush the pavement in the pits area. I had to pick up every single leaf and anything else that was not the actual grass. The area itself was pretty small, so I probably walked back and forth for around 200 times within 11 hours! The only good thing about it was the fact that I probably saw a lot of famous people from the F1 world. The bad thing is I didn't know who was who. And I probably figured in every single TV channel that broadcast the F1 "behind the scenes". I recognised Hamilton, Alonso, Häkkinen, Räikkönen, Massa, Coulthard and some old guy who is always wearing a red cap and in the past always commenting on F1 races on German TV. The place was full of TV channels. By the end of day four it had become rather difficult to avoid the cameras while walking up and down with a brush. On actual race day we all decided to go and watch the start of the race, after all we did have the access to get right above the starting positions. My supervisor was not nice at all and did not allow any of us to go there and made us work. There was no work to do at that stage! We just legged it. I could only stay there for 2 mins when the boss caught me and sent me back to work. What a disaster, I missed the start!! At least I could get a close look at the warm up.
The cleaning itself (not mentioning the name of the company) seems to be run by rather "intelligent" people.
We worked a few extra days after the F1 cleaning up the mess and I have to say the "big boss" on the site was a total idiot. He did not seem to have any people skills and the few normal people that worked there seemed to just go along with it.
Our work for the event is done for now and another day of work is due on Friday but hopefully we will not have to deal with the lunatics any more.

1 comment:

muusikalemb said...

irv. See punamütsike, keda sa ära ei tundnud oli Niki Lauda. Tal on sponsorleping kellegagi ja peab pidevalt seda nokamütsi kandma. Muidugi teine aspekt on ka see, et aastal 1984 (vist) sattus ta võistlusel õnnetusse, mis lõppes tulekahjuga ja ühe poolpraetud Austria wienerschnintseliga nimega Lauda.