Monday, March 11, 2013


It has been a few days since my last update. Nothing exciting happened over the weekend. Now that I know I will stay in Melbourne for at least three months I can unpack my luggage and put all my clothes in the wardrobe. What a luxury! There is no need share the room with 7 people and and no need to share the bathroom either! We have rented a small apartment in a lovely house out in the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. It is a bit of a hike to get into the centre but public transport is very efficient and it takes around 45 minutes to an hour to get into town. Not too bad considering it is 30 km away from the centre. The suburb is called Wheelers Hill and my god you should see the houses over there! I thought the one we were living in was quite nice but once you walk around in the neighbourhood you realise yours isn't the fancy one!! I would really like you to come and see those houses Marju. You would probably pee in your pants. haha
This weekend was a bank holiday weekend so there was lots to do in town. Moomba Festival was on from Friday to Monday offering plenty to see over the four days and it was all for free. I got to see water ski jumps for the first time in my life, never even knew this sport existed! 
 I cannot resist to complain about Dublin new years eve concert in College Green where you'd have to pay to see it. Also, public transport is capped 3.50 AUD per day at weekends and public holidays. That means you only pay 3.50 and travel as much as you want. What an incentive :)
I am really starting to like this city. I must say I prefer Melbourne to Sydney. We managed to get jobs at the F1 Grand Prix as cleaners but hey who cares that I have to clean. I may get to clean after Alonso or some other drivers... I doubt that but I can still dream about it. I specifically dressed up and wore make up to the registration so that maybe they could pick me to work in a nicer area than the toilet. Will let you know once I find out on Thursday. Will upload pics tomorrow.
On the way to Melbourne

St Kilda Beach

Moomba Festival

Ski jumps Moomba Festival
New home

Melbourne skyline


muusikalemb said...

Ega jah, Alonso või Hamiltoni järelt vaevalt, et koristada saaks, need söövad üldiselt oma "tuurivagunites" ja neil on endal tiimikokk kaasas. Ja kui saakski, siis peale seda ei peaks aasta aega ilmselt tööl käima, paned aga Alonso poolt näritud friikartuli ebaysse oksjonile ja mõni pervert ostabki selle ära. Iseasi, kuidas sa tõestad, et see just tema poolt näritud kartul on.
Loodan, et said mõne kuulsuse või vormeli siiski ära pildistatud.

Doris said...

Rohkem mälupilte ja elamusi, kui telefoni jõudsin jäädvustada :)