Sunday, November 17, 2013

Cairns & Port Douglas

Hi there!
I will just continue where I left off last time.
After a night in the rainforest hostel and a relaxing morning at Cape Tribulation I continued my journey on towards Port Douglas. Day two of my trip included a visit to Mossman Gorge for a refreshing swim in a slightly cooler water (comparing to the ocean which would average around 30 degrees). The gorge is supposed to have the second purest water in the world and I could have easily had a drink while swimming but didn't really trust it since there were kids swimming around everywhere! After a refreshing swim the tour bus took four people to Port Douglas and the rest of them headed back to Cairns. I got dropped off at Parrotfish Lodge. It looked ok on the outside but I did not like the feel from that place. I did not stay long in the room but decided to dress up, put some make up on and head out for dinner. Went to a local pub and ordered myself a glass of wine with my dinner. They called me madam there, if only they knew I was a flashpacker! There is definitely a connection between how you dress and how you get treated based on your appearance.. It was fun though. And I got myself another glass! Later on when I walked back to have a drink at the hostel bar, I was told I had to pay 10 AUD to get into the bar. wtf? Apparently, there was a comedy night going on and I would have had to pay the money if I wanted to stay at the bar. They told me if I wanted a drink I could get it and go to the lounge area of the hostel and sit there but there wouldn't be any people around. Thanks for that! I got pissed off and decided to go back to town centre, walk into a random pub and have a drink there, alone or not! Lucky me, I did not even get a chance to order a drink before a local bloke was standing next to me asking where I was sitting. Well, I did not have to have my drink alone after all!
The following day I headed back to Cairns to carry on with my little tours. I had a waterfalls day trip planned for the next day. We probably visited 4-5 waterfalls, had a chance to swim in all of them. Damn, the water was "refreshing". The most memorable of them are Millaa Millaa and Josephine's falls. Josephine's falls has a really cool natural water slide. Just like a water park except you could slide off a rock and end up in a pool of water. Had great fun out there. Millaa Millaa is famous for Timotei and Herbal Essences shampoo advertisement. We took photos trying to copy Timotei ad but I haven't got the photos yet. When ever the tour company uploads them on their FB page I will make sure I get a few off them! Yet again, a great day out although it ended with a massive pain in my ear for me. Probably the cold water. Luckily, I was free of pain the next day and was very, very excited about my last but the best tour - wakeboarding on Tinnaroo lake! Although the instructor was late picking us up, there were only three of us and we had the whole day for ourselves. We could do what ever we wanted and as much as we wanted. I was a bit nervous in the beginning when it was my turn to get the board and jump in the water but once I was up I was absolutely loving it. Apparently I pulled off some tricks (not even knowing myself) that people learn to do after 20 hours of practice. I think one of them was a 180 degrees turn. Plus I rode the wave as if I was on the snowboard and flying across a rail. Couldn't believe how much I impressed myself. Silly me I thought I wouldn't even be able to stand on the board. So, so, so wrong! We also tried wakesurfing which was much easier and not challenging for the body. The tube ride at the end of the day was just great laughs and some awesome falls by me :) Obviously, I just had to master a faceplant when attempting a trick on wakeboard. I fell so badly that my head was sore for 4 days after, couldn't even walk up the stairs. Muscle pain in my whole body wasn't helping either. In the end, amazing times, great day out on the lake. Couldn't recommend it enough!!
After a week and a half in Cairns I am back in Port Douglas and enjoying the paradise while searching for jobs in Cairns and Port Douglas. It is not looking good. I will wait another week and then it's time to go to a city (Sydney or Brisbane) and get a temp job there to top up my bank account before I can start holidaying again.

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