Friday, February 21, 2014

Routine is starting to kick in.

I should really say something about my boring working life here!
Forgot to mention that we went wakeboarding on a Friday arvo. I wanted to get as much hours out of my Friday at work, so I started early - 7am. It's great to start early, I get a lot more work done and there's barely anyone in the office bothering me. No emails, no phone calls, no people around me getting me distracted. I started at 7am and was finished by 12.30pm ready rock :)
The most amazing Friday I have had in ages! So much fun and such hard work getting up on the water. But once I got up, it was just a pretty damn awesome joyride. This is definitely something to repeat. There's a Cables Wake Park in Penrith, an hour drive into Sydney's West. The day was setting out to be perfect, no clouds and temperature rising to 30 degrees. We got our boards, helmets and life vests and let the fun begin. I must say, having done this before on a lake and with a boat, it was a different story doing it in a cable park where half of the work was already done for you by the moving cable. I assumed it was going to be easier to get going but to my surprise it took me about 5 attempts to finally get up on my feet. Once I got up I wondered how I wasn't able to do it immediately. It seemed so simple! To finish off my pro wakeboarding James suggested I should try a "jump start" - standing on the edge and jumping into the water while the cable pulls me forward. It was a success! I was so happy with myself that I managed to not face plant and stay on my feet. Freakin awesome :) The jump was actually much easier than trying to get up on my feet like the beginners do. Happy days!
Work wise, it's same old boring. Not much fun. Few of us went out for lunch today for the first time together. I had a sneaky beer too. Normally, everyone just does their own thing. I am not used to it at all. I just take half an hour and have my food and sometimes go for a walk in the shops nearby if the weather is nice. I try to take advantage of the warm weather while we still have it. I should take some photos of the area for memories. Maybe one day.
I've finally settled in a new home, after constantly moving around since pretty much July last year!! It will be my home until July. Hopefully, I can keep my job until then too. My work contract is for three months but I don't see a reason how they would manage without me. Not that it's about me but they will still need someone else to do the job then and there is no reason for them to hire a new person again. I am pretty sure it will last as long as I want. I am planning on a visit home mid July to mid August, so stay tuned for updates on that :) Haven't got tickets yet but the plan is to fly to Tallinn and then spend 3 weeks at home and then a week in Dublin before flying back to Sydney.
Maybe it's time to summarize my year here. I just realised it has been a whole year. Time flies! Before arriving in Australia I was a bit nervous about the far away dream land and slightly worried how the year would turn out, taking into account complete uncertainty of my future. It has been a great ride. I can't imagine all the things and great adventures I would have missed out on if I hadn't come to Australia. I have met so many wonderful people, been to amazing places, done things I thought I'd never get a chance to do. A truly rewarding experience. I don't have a permanent job or a clear direction of where I am headed and I have no idea what the future holds for me but I am the happiest I have ever been. That counts as something, doesn't it?

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