Friday, May 16, 2014

Loving Sydney

My blog has been very quite for the past few months. Not that nothing is happening in my busy work life but I haven't been motivated enough to type up a couple of paragraphs.
I can clearly remember 13th of January, my first day at work. It's been five months since I started a new job and I haven't even noticed time passing by. Just as I am starting to enjoy the craic at work I have to leave again! That's the life of a working holiday maker. Do not get attached to jobs, people, routine. My contract was supposed to finish at the end of May, so I decided not to waste time and booked flights home. I haven't been home for 18 months - it's about time! Too bad, a week later I was told they were going to extend my contract and promote me to an analyst position. Such a shame!! Don't care about the extended contract, I would have been more excited about the new role. Finally something of my preference! I guess it wasn't meant to be. Perhaps something better is on the cards for me in the future. You never know.
Until then, I will enjoy my last few weeks and take some time to think about what I have learned while being here in Australia.
Most importantly - to be happier, smile more, be more tolerant towards people and enjoy life. This is something valuable I will take with where ever I end up in along my journey. Australia has taught me to live, to live life to the fullest. Having spent most of the past year and a half in very uncertain conditions has really showed me that I will be fine, no matter what. It doesn't matter that I do not have a perfect dream job, lots of cash and that I cannot have what ever I want. I only average on six months of work a year, I don't eat monkey brains or rice for dinner, in fact I can travel the world if I put my mind to it. How awesome is that!
There are wonderful people around me and I have no doubt I can count on them when needed, baring in mind, I have only known these people less than a year.
I must praise the Irish. Had the best laugh at work today. Three Irish girls and me all slagging each other in the office. I can imagine the whole office could hear our conversation. Nevertheless, no regrets!
Looking forward to the good old pints in Dublin when I get there in July! Pencil in the dates mates, I'll be in town 1-8 July!
Enough of praise, I should really talk about what I've been up to these days. Nothing much, I've been clocking up 50-100km per day on a bike on Sundays for the past few months. Well, not quite every Sunday but some amazing scenic bike paths and the good old Harbour bridge. I will never get sick of cycling across the bridge. It really makes absorb where I am and how spectacular the views are. What else could I possibly wish for? Enjoying the views of the wolrd's most beautiful harbour. Absolutely love it. To celebrate that I will go for a good old jog in the botanic gardens near the Opera House tomorrow morning, although it is totally out of my way but it'll be worth it :)

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