Thursday, November 13, 2014

Work rant!

I’ve never experienced this mentality in a work environment where team members are afraid of getting into trouble for showing new employees (in which case it is me and I’ve been here for 3 months!) how to do stuff. Everything needs to be approved by the boss. Absolutely ridiculous. I cannot believe every single small thing needs to go through the ancient boss. I thought delegation was a good thing and everyone being able to do various things would surely be considered as a bonus? Turns out, not the team I work in. I was told in the beginning I would get more stuff to do but so far it has been very demoralizing and demotivating and makes me feel like I wouldn’t be good enough? In fact, I think I am too good for the actual job they’re doing here. I am capable of much more. I have heard that my name was mentioned to the big boss but I personally haven’t heard any positive feedback. We are short staffed and yet they’ve hired another contractor who’s got no experience and is getting trained up to do the job. How about training me up to do the job? Wouldn’t that be a logical course of action? I am not that dumb. All I can do is really blame the manager for being incompetent. We had a funny situation at work the other day. I was sorting out some letters at someone else’s desk (the system was down anyway) and the boss walked past and asked why I was sitting at someone else’s desk. I said I was going to be there a few minutes only. He replied and said that he decides where I sit! And he repeated that about three times – no joke. If he had asked me to move, I would have told him: “I didn’t realise I wasn’t allowed to leave my desk”. I think that would have resulted in me having to leave the office. And did I mention I would have couple of improvements to suggest at work to avoid errors from happening but I do not see a point in it since I don’t get included in the team meetings either. I just use the ideas to my own advantage in the job I do. First world problems.Second, I am getting my degree assessed by CPA to find out if my qualification meets the criteria for General Accountant in Australia. If their answer is positive, I can lodge an EOI (expression of interest) to get permanent residency in Australia. So far what CPA have come back to me with is that I have completed 8 out of 9 compulsory subjects. The irony here is that they claimed I hadn’t done Accounting Theory. Out of all subjects, it is the basics they’re referring to. In a way it is a positive outcome since they have accepted everything else. I have given them a breakdown of accounting subjects I’ve done and asked them to review my application. I really hope they will accept it. If they don’t, I’ll have to pay them another $600 and sign up for an exam. I wouldn’t have to do a whole course at least. I’d get online materials and then just study a bit and then sit the exam. Nevertheless, that would be an effort.

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