Saturday, September 14, 2013

Days drag

I have only been here just a bit over a week and the days really seem to drag. I am checking the calendar every day and waiting for time to move faster towards the end of September! After I get past September, I will only have three weeks left.
I have developed this routine here each morning with Miss Hardcore T (the woman with no manners). After I feed my three horses I will follow her to the dairy shed where she usually gives me instructions what to do next. Firstly, she moves the hay stacks and I cut the strings on them. Fine, I can do that, no problem. Then yesterday morning she told me to go and get the blower. I asked whether she wanted me to take the extension cord with me. She said no. The blower has two cords, so left one behind and took the rest of it to the dairy shed. OMG, when she saw me with the cord, she started shouting at me that I shouldn't have brought it. I said, look there were two of them so I was talking about the other one and brought this just in case. She still kept shouting at me and said it was wrong and that there is one in the shed already bla bla bla. I realised the more I was arguing with her, the more bossy and rude she became and I just said OK! She created a massive problem out of nothing. What a bitch... I was pretty pissed off for a while and was thinking about leaving this place. Then as the day advanced she suddenly became so nice and smiley with me. She must have realised that she over reacted. Anyway, I don't really care about her. She is not my boss.
A few days ago she told me not to eat too many tomatoes since the supply from the garden is running low. Wft, what am I supposed to eat then if I can't even eat free tomatoes. It is not HER garden. And another time she made a comment about me wasting salame by putting it into an omelette. I only used one slice. For my mentail health's sake it is better to laugh at her stupid comments.The farmer man told me that Miss T is weird like that and that I should not take her very seriously. She does not like working with anyone and a few helpers have left because of her. Will see how she treats me in the future. I can always leave too. I don't want to leave just yet as I would like to go and see their 60,000 acre farm in the outback.
At least I am not alone any more. An English couple arrived two days ago. They are staying here for two weeks. That  should make life easier. On our way back to the farm, after picking them up from the bus stop, I was opening one of the gates and apparently there was a huuuuuuge spider sitting on the pole. I did not even see it and I leaned over it casually while opening the gate. Once I got back in the car the English girl told me: "That was brave". I did not even know what she was on about. She said the spider was the size of a hand. I couldn't believe I missed it. It was right in front of me. I would have passed out on the spot there if I had seen it!

A bit of local slang:
Dinner = lunch
Tea = dinner

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