Monday, September 9, 2013


Ever since I arrived (05.09.13) in Gracemere I haven’t had a lot of work to do. First evening was just amazing fish and chips with beer. The weekend was pretty much morning stuff. We get up at 6 each morning and go to give hormone injections to cows to make them produce more than one egg. That will go on for five days in a row. The injections are given twice per day (6.30am and 5.30pm) and on both sides of their bums.
My  job is to move the cows from one area to another so that the lady can get them into a narrow space and keep them still while she gives them the injections. Apparently, the cows that have not had any calves are called heffers. Not sure if I got the spelling right. Sounds something like that anyway. We use a green stick to move the cows – it looks like a meter long piece of garden hose. They call it wattie.
The injections will be finished on Wednesday. I don’t know what happens afterwards though.
I’ve done a few odd jobs so far. Fed two racehorses, cut strings on hay stacks, washed a car, cleaned out a water troph (again, this word does not seem to exist, so my spelling is probably wrong...). It’s a round concrete “bowl” where cows drink from. They keep goldfish in it since they eat the green crap off the walls. I must take a photo of the goldfish. There was one that was not golden looking but relatively dull like a herring. I named it Albino (for myself of course!)
The weather is starting to heat up. It’s 29 degrees today and forecast is looking around 34-35 for the next few days.
Oh, and there are a lot of weird birds around here. Have to do some research on what they are exactly. Lots of ducks and black swans as far as my knowledge goes so far..
Can't wait to be finished already!! I don't mind being here and all but it is not my business and it is not forever and I do not get paid for any of it. I do get to see a different lifestyle and aussie outback. Apparently, the outback farm is like unreal.. there is no phone coverage, no proper roads, only dirt roads. It takes 6 hours to drive there from where I am now. We will go there at some stage but not sure when yet. This stuff is like from a movie scene! I haven't seen any snakes yet. I am  / am not looking forward to seeing one. I don't mind them outside but anywhere near the house... naaaah. Not liking it!

These hats are like 100 bucks each!

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