Thursday, August 29, 2013


We had a good day today. It was more of a day out at the farm rather than a "real" working day. We kicked our morning off with the usual stuff - checking on the chooks, following on to shoveling chicken shit again.
Our day was saved when the farmer's son suggested we should all go out to the paddocks.The girls got the ranger and the guy too the quad. The "boss" took the JCB. All we had to do was drive around in the paddock and look for sizable rocks and let the tractor pick them up and move them into a pile. We even got an extra girl with us - Flip.
We generally finish up what ever jobs by 1pm and have lunch and siesta and won't start work again before 3pm when we need to collect the eggs. We should be done bu 5pm and then we are left with putting the young chooks to bed at around 6pm. That involves encouraging them on the bus for the night.

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