Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I have decided to dedicate a whole post to the why-man since he is so important part of our lives now.

Great day with why-man today. First of all, we were asked to go an help out with the chicken feeders. Apparently, the machine that would refill the feeders was not working, so we had to grab buckets and drive out to the station to help out. We got a different car this time. The good thing about it is you can get a ride in the back of the car and enjoy a bit of a joyride and sun. I was going to drive since I had not used that specific car before. New experience and all! The why-man however insisted that he could drive. Helllooooooo!? He is here for the second day and starts arguing with me and telling me that I drove just two days ago. He did not even know where to go! He literally stood in front of the door when I was already in the driver’s seat repeating my name with a specific tone. Wtf! Be a man and let the woman drive! I was not going to give in either way.
There were four of us filling the feeders and as we were told by an expert, we moved 5-6 tonnes of grain using buckets. That was a great workout for the arms and shoulders. Good fun though. The farmer’s son said he would have to charge us for the gym workout we got out of it! Too bad I don’t have any pictures of the machine yet. Will try to get one some other time.
In the first half of the day we were shovelling and moving compost to the flower beds, morning until lunch time. The wife said it would be easier than doing same thing with woodchips. Guess if she was right. NO! She was completely wrong. Compost weighs way more than woodchips.

I must complain more about the why-man. He needs to question everything and propose “better farming solutions” considering he is here for two days and the farmer has done this all his life. I am sure why-man is always right. He seems to have a unique mindset for sure!
Oh,did I mention we let him drive the jeep when collecting the eggs? He was totally not able and when he became slightly able he started speeding which was completely unsafe and stupid. He really needed to show off his testosterone. I actually could not believe how bad he was haha.

Nothing else exciting happening. Looking forward to more stories to arise J

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