Saturday, August 3, 2013

We had a Thelma and Louise day yesterday.  The English girl and I were told there was no water left in the tanks at the stations where the chicken live. That meant we had to get the jeep and get the trailer and drive all the way out to the stations, fill the empty tanks with water and do it all twice. We had never done this before but decided to give it a go. I tell you it was some experience. After a while of attempting to attach the trailer we finally managed to get going. The problems started at the first “hill”. The Troopy was not strong enough to pull it up on top of the hill. We both just looked at each other thinking how the hell we were going to get out of the situation. I suggested to let the troopy slowly fall back to the bottom of the hill and then try to go up hill again. We also realised we were only using 2WD drive which is why we got into difficulties. After trying to move backwards with the trailer behind us we realised it was NOT going straight but turning. Panic again! After a few minutes of calming down we attempted to move up the hill and it worked! Ah, the relief when we got up the hill :)
Obviously, next time we are smarter and will change to 4WD immediately when pulling a full water tank!
What really surprises me is that the farmer doesn’t really care how or what we are doing. He assumes we will be fine by ourselves and will radio him if we need assistance. He is putting a lot of trust and belief in us.
We felt so good after we managed to drag two of the trailers out to the stations and refill the empty ones for the chicken. We were sooooo proud of ourselves that we were able to actually do a man’s job and not screw up! The worst part of course is returning empty tanks back to the farm. The reason is because both of us are not able to reverse the trailer!! I gave my best attempts and managed to get both trailers into their required positions. It took probably half an hour but I did it. Never felt better about myself in completing such a complex task for a woman! Even the kangaroos wandered over to check what the hell we were doing. They must have been proud of us too.
Here are some pics to prove our manly day out in the field :)

Oh yes and I also chopped wood for a while in the morning. Haven’t done that for at least ten years.

mmmm, pizzaa

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