Monday, July 29, 2013

Japanese knives

I am a bit worried about a Japanese guy here who has a very specific set of cooking knives.. or should I say butcher's knives. Apparently, he likes to cook when he is stressed. He is this type of guy who has no emotion on his face. Creepy. I managed to upset him this morning already. We were lifting boxes filled with eggs and apparently my lifting was not stable enough and I could drop the box. I did not agree so I carried on lifting them my way. I think he just could not believe that a woman could refuse taking his instructions. I told him if I drop the box it will be my fault, not his. He does not seem to be a bad guy but very, very strange. He is always wearing black sunnies, so I can never see his eyes. He does not talk to anyone but the other guy since they are sharing a room together. He stopped talking to the other girl a few days ago. He is ex military too.. Luckily he is leaving on Thursday.
When I got a along with him in the beginning I made some beef stroganov and he said it was a amazing and wrote down my recipe (I just made a random one on the spot). Two other English loved it too. It must have been really good :P
I have now officially driven a quad bike and a 4WD jeep in the middle of nowhere. It feels so cool to cruise around with 1000 eggs in the car and hope that they won't break in such a variable terrain...

I am getting a winter tan on my arms at this stage. The days are 20 degrees and night is close to zero. Our walls are like paper and I sleep under 5 blankets + clothes. Sounds like camping except that I have a double bed and 4 walls surrounding me. Oh, yes I also have a heater in my room. At least I am warm going to bed. The only thing that motivates me to get out of the bed is the fact that it would be warmer outside in 20 mins time than in bed.
Photo of the day below. It was just as fun as it looks! 

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